50 minute 10k Training Plan


To consider following this 50 minute 10k plan you should already be able to run at a target race pace of 08:03 for at least a mile (5:00p/km) and/or have a PB under 55 minutes.

If you are not quite ready then take a look at the 55 minute 10k training plan instead and then come back to this one once you are in a position to run at this pace.

Other 10k training plans: Sub 60 min 10k training plan|| 55 minute 10k || 50 minute 10k || 45 minute 10k || 40 minute 10k || 35 minute 10k

Please read before starting a training plan:
Frequently Asked Questions | Signs of Overtraining

Your Speed/Distance Training Zones: 50 minute 10k

Pace per MileTreadmill Pace400m / 800m Splits1km Pace5km Race Pace
08:037.4 mph/ 12 km/h2:00 / 4:0005:00 secs25:00 min
*for speed/distance conversation allow for a small amount of rounding up/ down.

50 minute 10k Training Plan

DayWeek 1Week 2Week 34 (rec week)
Monday45mins easyRest/ cross-train30mins easyRest/ cross-train
Tuesday30mins easy3 mile tempoRest/ cross-train3 mile tempo
WednesdayRest/ cross-train30mins easyRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-train
Thursday3 x 2km
@8:03 p/m (5:00 p/km) 2 min Rec
5k Paced Run5 x 800m
@8:03 p/m (5:00 p/km) 90s Rec
Rest/ cross-train
FridayRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-trainRest/ cross-train45mins easy
Saturday45mins easy5 x 1km
@8:03 p/m (5:00 p/km) 90s Rec
45mins easyRest/ cross-train
SundayLong run, gentle pace: 60-75 mins45mins easyLong run, gentle pace: 60-75 minsRest/ cross-train

50 Minute 10k Training Plan Components

Breakeven Sessions – 50 minute 10k

These sessions are used for maintaining fitness & recovery. Preparing you for breakthrough sessions:

  • Easy Run – this should be no quicker than 10:00-10:30 p/mile.
  • Long Run – this doesn't need to be any longer than 75 minutes.

Breakthrough Sessions – 50 minute 10k

These sessions are meant to be challenging intense efforts, treat them as mini-milestones towards your target:

  • Tempo Run – hard but sustainable effort, usually about 30 mins in total and aim for 08:30 p/mile pace for 3 miles with a 1 mile warm up/down either side.
  • 800m Reps – should be reps at 8:03 p/m pace (4:00 per 800m) with a 90sec jogged recovery.
  • 1km Intervals – 8:03 p/m pace (5:00 per km) with a 90sec jogged recovery.
  • 2km Intervals – 8:03 p/m pace (5:00 per km) with a 2min jogged recovery.
  • 5km Time Effort – run a 5k race/training run at your maximum, try and aim for a sub 25:00.

Notes on the 50 minute 10k Training Plan

The 50 minute 10k plan has been put together so it is cyclical and can be used over a period of weeks until you feel you are ready for your 10k event. At the end of each cycle you can repeat from the beginning or tweak the plan to suit your current ability and time commitments etc. As you improve you'll  maybe want to incorporate some sessions from our other 10k training plans.

If after a couple of rotations you want to make the plan harder, you could slowly increase the number of reps for the breakthrough speed sessions. Introduce changes slowly and over a few weeks, i.e., Week 1 = 3x2km Reps, Week 5 = 4x2km Reps, Week 8 = 5x2km reps, etc. Obviously there is only so far you can go with this, there would be no point in extending these way beyond the 10k distance. The other way of making the plan harder is to adjust the pace slightly and run faster!

It is recommended that after three months of using the 50 minute 10k plan that you reduce your training for a period of one to two weeks to allow your body time to recover from the impact of running. This should mean more time cross-training with a couple of nice easy runs every few days to keep the legs ticking over.

To realise improvements it’s worth remembering that training is cumulative and it takes time and dedication to follow any training plan and achieve the results you want.

14 Responses

  1. Zlatko says:

    Week 2 is quite intensive (3 fast runs). Is that intentional? Is it OK if I move 5k race from week 2 to week 3, at least if I am not having a 10k race in Week 4? Thanks

  2. Phil says:

    Can you please advise pace of a gentle long run

    • Matt says:

      Hi Phil, I’ve left that intentionally vague as I don’t think it’s important to focus on the pace for the long run. My intentions for this are to just enjoy the run, don’t worry about the pace – obviously the important thing is to not go too fast! As ball-park figures I would be looking to complete your easy runs and long runs in the 09:00-09:30 range. Good luck with your training and hope the plans are useful.

  3. pranay chimmani says:

    hey, i can do all of this :p but i can go only upto 7km continuously :p any tips? thanks

  4. Craig says:

    On the 3x2km exercise what pace should the recovery 2 mins be done at? Really struggled with that. Couldn’t do it

    • Matt says:

      Hi Craig, don’t worry too much about the pace of that; just recover. I prefer to just jog very slowly or walk a little during the recovery. Whatever it takes to get your heart rate down and ready to go again.

  5. Andrew Kardos says:

    At the 3 mile tempo training what does “quicker than 10k race pace” mean? My current race pace or the desired 5min/km pace?
    And at the long runs what do you mean under “gentle pace”? Should this be quicker than the easy runs?

  6. Andrew Kardos says:

    At the 3 mile tempo runs what does “quicker than 10k race pace” mean? Quicker than my current 10k pace or quicker than the final target 5min/km?
    And what do you mean under “gentle pace” at the long runs? Quicker than the easy runs?

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